Sunday, 2 November 2014


ORGANIC JOJOBA OIL(Simmondsia chinensis , Cold pressed, unrefined.

ORGANIC JOJOBA OIL Jojoba oil is known as the oil (wax) that mostly closely resembles human sebum, non-greasy, is a moisturizer par excellence and can be used neat on extra-dry and flaky skin, to help restore elasticity and smoothess. An excellent for anti wrinkle and acne treatment. 荷荷芭油 是最上等植物油,可一般滑。 稳定性极高、延展性特佳的基础油。适合油性敏感皮肤,湿疹,干癣,风湿、关节炎、痛风的人 时也是最佳的皮肤保湿油,可使皮肤保有水分,增加光泽,防止老化。促进毛发生长,使头发茂盛茂、柔软、光滑
Other uses:
Eye and Face Makeup Remover -对御妆有不错的效果。  
Massage Carrier and Bath Oil –可以当按摩油.
Foot and Hand Softener -可以软化死皮尢其手脚部分。
Hair and Scalp Massage and protection oil-可以当头发按摩油,头油,保护发根


ORGANIC ROSEHIP OIL (Rosa rubiginosa) Cold pressed, unrefined.
  2. Helps to prevent or improve fine lines & wrinkles: due to its high fatty acid and antioxidant content. 攺善及防皱纹有不错的疗效:
  3. Effective moisturiser for dry skin: 润皮肤,保持皮肤水份功效卓著尤其乾燥皮肤特别有帮助。也可用於一般,老化,敏感及牛皮癣皮肤。it is very helpful when used on any dry skin condition such as eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis. 
  4. Proven to reduce & improve scars: 改善疤痕due to the complex mixture of ingredients and its ability to regenerate skin cells producing more collagen.
  5. Can also help burns: 淡化燒伤伤囗,帮助恢复原有的肤色。Rosehip oil was extremely effective in reducing redness and helped to improve colour and tone.
  6. Can reverse effects of photo ageing such as hyper-pigmentation and sun spots: 玫瑰果油中丰富的维生素C,预防色素沉淀,改善雀斑,美白,具有再生的功能,恢复弹性皮肤。
  7. Helps to prevent/reduce stretch marks可防妊娠纹,或改善原有的娠纹。 Safe to be used during pregnancy and after birth.  It has the ability to firm the skin and help it to regain its elasticity, as well as fading external scarring.
  8. Safe to be used on babies & children: 对婴儿,小孩也安全,可用於敏感皮肤,湿疹的小孩 It is safe to be used on the sensitive skin of babies to help with cradle cap and eczema.  It is also excellent to help children’s chickenpox scars fade quickly.
Evens out skin tone, minimises pores and blemishes, Rosehip oil is a dry oil, which means that it is quickly and easily absorbed into the skin and help to prevent breakouts.能改善暗疮和青春痘。预防暗疮。

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